We’re devastated too. (Jin Kim as ‘Nakatomi’ in 2018 at The Den Theatre. (c) Yippee Productions LLC)
The Party at Nakatomi is on Hold
Hello wonderful Fans, Friends, and Family of Yippee,
It’s with a heavy heart that we have to inform you there will be no live performance of Yippee Ki-Yay Merry Christmas! A Die Hard Musical Parody in Chicago this year. We’re devastated just as much as you. Please know we tried everything we could to get the show up this year.
The short story is we lost our performance space at The Den when they transformed The Heath Mainstage into a standup venue. We’ve spent the year trying to lock down another venue in Chicago (trust us we’ve talked to them all) and every space was either already booked, too expensive, or not big enough for our needs. The production team had to make the difficult (but best) decision to put the show on hiatus for 2019-2020.
Good News! The good news is we had the show professionally filmed last year. We’ve transitioned our efforts into setting up a Rocky Horror Picture Show type screening of the show with a possible talk-back with the cast and crew. We are currently reaching out to any and all movie theaters like The Music Box, Landmark, The Vic to secure a space. If any of you have access or know anyone with associated with a film venue or a space that could host a screening PLEASE LET US KNOW! (Email yippeeprodllc@gmail.com)
You will be able to watch Yippee this year, be it on the silver screen or your phone screen via Youtube. You all are part of our holiday tradition and lack of a venue won’t stop us. It’s because of you this little show has grown into the wonderful community it is. We’re here for you.
If you haven’t yet be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get insider info on all things Yippee and updates about whats happening this holiday season. You can also follow us on social media: @yippeethemusical.
Thank you so much for being a part of our holiday tradition. If we’ve learned anything from Die Hard, it’s to fight for your family. We’re going to blow the roof of this place for you all.
Yippee ki-yay!
Yippee Productions LLC
Michael Shepherd Jordan
Alex Garday
Stephanie McCullough
Drew DeSantis
Jim Jensen